Explore the different ways to add your signature
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Click the Type option and enter your name in the provided space.
This action will generate a bunch of pre-determined signature font styles, select one of these options to proceed. Click SAVE AND USE.
Click on the From Mobile option.
Scan the QR code displayed on the screen that will generate a URL on your QR code scanner application.
Click on the URL to get directed to a whiteboard where you can draw your signature using your mobile screen.
If you choose to re-draw your signature, you can click on the CLEAR button at the bottom of your mobile phone and re-draw your signature and finally, click SAVE AND USE. .
This action will produce a popup message confirming the successful addition of your signature.
This process will upload the signature from the whiteboard of your mobile screen and replace it with the QR code on the ADD SIGNATURE dialogue box. If you wish to alter your signature, click the CLOSE icon on the ADD SIGNATURE dialogue box and reupload another signature through your mobile phone, following the same process.
Click Draw in the ADD SIGNATURE dialogue box and choose one of these three colors (red/black/blue) to draw your signature.
You can also increase or decrease the thickness of your signature by adjusting the size scale.
Draw your signature on the space provided in the ADD SIGNATURE dialogue box. Click SAVE AND USE.
If you choose to re-draw your signature, you can click on the CLEAR button at the bottom of the ADD SIGNATURE dialogue box and re-draw your signature.
Click From File in the ADD SIGNATURE dialogue box and click Upload a file to upload the signature file in the system-supported formats (JPG/PNG/BMP).
The upload signature file will appear on the ADD SIGNATURE dialogue box, showcasing a preview of your signature. Click SAVE AND USE.
To alter the uploaded file, click the close button on the ADD SIGNATURE dialogue box and reupload another file with your signature following the same process.
To fill in your initials, utilize the same procedures as the signature alternatives.