How to add approvers and CC recipients to a signature request?
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Follow the below process to add approvers and CC recipients to a signature request:
Once you have uploaded the document that you want to send for signature request, click Next to proceed to the second step.
In this step, you can assign roles to each recipient: whether they will act as a signatory, an approver, or simply receive a copy (CC) of the document. You can do this by clicking on the Role icon.
To add an approver:
Click on the approver option.
Enter the name and the email address for the approver in the provided spaces.
If multiple approvers are needed, repeat this step for each one.
To add a CC recipient:
Click on the CC option.
Enter the name and the email address for the CC recipient in the provided spaces.
If multiple CC recipients are needed, repeat this step for each one.
Note: CC recipients will receive a copy of the signed document for informational purposes, but they are not required to take any action.
You can proceed to the third step, where you have the option to place the signatory stamp. During this step, you can still change the roles by clicking the Role icon and adjust the order of the recipients using the Drag and Drop icon, according to your preference.
After you have determined the recipients and their roles in the document, you can proceed with the further actions to successfully send your signature request.