How to enable multiple signatories to access and sign documents at the same time?
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Evia Sign allows you to send a signature request to all signatories simultaneously. Multiple signatories can now access and sign documents at the same time, giving them the flexibility to sign without following a specific order. Here's a simplified guide:
Start by uploading your document to Evia Sign.
Move to the next step where you can disable the signing order option.
This allows signatories to access and sign documents simultaneously, irrespective of their position in the queue.
Proceed to add your signatories for the signature request.
Move on to steps 3 and 4 to finish the additional actions required.
For a more detailed guide on completing steps 3 and 4, please refer to the link below:
Finally, send the document to the relevant signatories, who can now sign simultaneously, streamlining the signing workflow for enhanced efficiency.